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Twincare Buys Joico SA

Twincare is very excited to announce that as of the 1st of April 2021, we are the proud owners of Joico South Africa!!!! I would like to thank Heather and her team for the fantastic job they had done in building this magnificent brand. Twincare would like to welcome the team and Joico clients into the Twincare family. We will be communicating some of our exciting plans for the brand.

As from the 1st of April all orders can be placed through Twincare International on 011 305 1600, or on email at or your current Joico consultant.

Stav Dimitriads | CEO Twincare

It is with mixed feelings that we announce the sale of Joico to Twincare International.

We have spent 39 years in this beautiful industry of which 21 years to the day was the building of two beautiful brands. We have made many lifelong friends during these times. We have however reached a point in our lives where we want a change of pace as well as spending time together. As difficult as it is letting go, we feel comfortable in handing the next era of the Joico story to Stav and Twincare International. Twincare not only has 50 years’ experience in the industry but has built some of the most successful professional brands in South Africa. We would like to thank you - our clients as well as our loyal and dedicated staff for the support and memories over the years. We wish you all well in your business and wish Twincare all the success in the future.

Take care,

Heather and Pam


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