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EOHCB News: Create Vaccine Awareness in Your Workplace

Herewith is some valuable information about the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine for you to share with your team.

• The first of millions of Johnson & Johnson vaccines were administered this week in South Africa.

• In trials, only 9% of those who received the vaccine reported a fever.

• Some other complaints included fatigue, headache, and muscle ache, which generally disappeared within 24 hours after the vaccination.

• 44 325 people were enrolled in the USA, Latin America & South Africa to partake in the Johnson & Johnson trials.

• Age distribution - >-60 (33.5%), >=65 (19.6%), >=75 (3.5%), >=80 (1%).

• Gender - 45% females and 55% males.

• Region - 44% USA, 41% Central and South America, and 15% South Africa.

• Comorbidities - (overall 41% - obesity), (28.5% type 2 diabetes), (7.3% hypertension), (10.3% HIV), (2.8% other immune-compromised participants).

Tested in 43 783 people from 4 continents including 6,576 people in South Africa Johnson & Johnson vaccine provided:

• 57% protection against moderate-server COVID-19 infection cases.

• 85% protection against severe COVID-19 infection cases.

• 100% protection against death.

EOHCB is available to assist employers with all matters relating to labour and their business. Contact our offices for more information.


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