Most businesses see 'budgeting' as a way of:
Projecting turnover
Controlling costs
Creating profit
Not all business systems make it easy to create a set of budgets.
In Advanced Reports there is section called Income Statement which has 4 tabs. The first 3 tabs are actively generating your income statement as you trade. The 4th tab, Budget, is where you can set your budgeted expenses for the month.
At the beginning of the month simply enter all your anticipated costs for the month, item by item, using the expenditure input function.

Once completed you will see the total Budgeted (anticipated) cost of running your business including the crucial Break-Even Point.

This is the point you turnover is higher than your overheads and you enter the Potential Profit Zone.
Every day you will be able to see your progress as you capture your turnover, split between Retail and Services AND your stock purchases, split between Retail and Professional stock as well as your budgeted overheads, using the Preview button.

THREESIXFIVE Hair & Beauty Information Hub will be conducting TWO 90 minute WEBINARS on TEAMS on the budgeting process for anyone who is interested, whether they are current MySalonSoftware users, or not.
DATE: Monday 03 February & Tuesday 04 February
TIME: 09:30 11:00
COST: No charge
To reserve your place: Email sune@mysalonsoftware.co.za or info@mysalonsoftware.co.za

MySalon Software:
Email: terry@mysalonsoftware.co.za | Tel: 083 650 0952
Email: sune@mysalonsoftware.co.za | Tel: 083 484 2960
Visit us on: www.mysalonsoftwareint.co.za