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Styles: Sunset by Raquel Saiz

Inspired by the most beautiful sunsets.

For me, it is an almost religious moment, an experience that we have the luxury of living every day. They are moments of intimate and private contemplation, and have the power to make us see the most beautiful side of life.

I believe that sunset is proof that no matter what happens, the day can end beautifully.

Hair: Raquel Saiz @blue_by_raquelsaiz

Photography: Esteban Roca @esteban_roca_photo

MUA: Nacho Sanz @nachosanzmakeup

Styling: Raquel Saiz

Models: Sara Loinaz, Sara Sanz, María Abiega, Cristina Martínez

Products: Revlon Professional @revlonprofessional_es


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