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Styles: Ayla by Rafael Bueno Peluqueros, Spain

Ayla is the daughter of war, yet she has a sensitive temperament and hides her emotions. Her hair is like a crown, a jewel capable of expressing all her power, as well as all the faces of her polyhedral personality.

Hair:Rafael Bueno @Rafael Bueno Peluqueros

Hair Instagram@rafaelbuenopeluqueros

Hair Assistant:Moyses Utrera Instagram@moysesutrera

Photography:Alberto Zaldivar

Photography Instagram @albertozaldivar

Makeup:Lulu Pérez Makeup Instagram@_luluperez_

Makeup Assistant: Ariadna Caparrós Instagram: @ariadna_roji

Styling:Xisco Morales Styling Instagram:@xissciss

Products: Revlon Professional Instagram: @revlonprofessional_es

Models:Almar Gómez, Jennifer Medalle, Araceli Ayala, Emily Cordoba.

Instagram @almargsato @jennifermedalle @_emicaor_


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