UASA – THE UNION (UASA): MEMBERSHIP FEES 2022 - Annual Adjustment
UASA - The Union represents the Employees of all legal establishments in the Hair, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare Industry in South Africa. UASA -The Union and the EOHCB, (Employers’ Organisation for Hairdressing, Cosmetology and Beauty), together constitute the parties to the HCSBC (Bargaining Council).
The Union offers to its members:
Collective bargaining
Retrenchment consultations
Discipline and Grievance
Legal assistance
Dispute handling

The Council has received notice of an adjustment to the UASA membership fees, which will be effective from February 2022. The membership fees for Active members will increase from R132.00 per month to R140.00 per month, and the fees for Golden Year members will increase from R108.00 to R115.00 per month. Please see below.
This will be effective as of February 2022 pay month.

To contact the UASA directly for more information, kindly contact them on:
Tel: 011 472 3600
Email: admin@uasa.org.za
Website: https://www.uasa.co.za/
For more information from the Bargaining Council
Please consult the Council’s WEBSITE for the contact details of Agents in your area.
Web: www.hcsbc.co.za