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Goldwell Salome de Wet Seminar in Namibia

On 24 September, Goldwell held a colour seminar in Namibia, hosted by superstar hairstylist Salome de Wet from The Bang Bang Collective, Cape Town. About 40 delegates attended, some of whom had travelled for many hours to be there.

“It was an amazing experience to educate these hairstylists,” Salome says. “I tried to keep it relevant for all the different markets, and was super-impressed that some salons brought their operators along to learn. The primary focus was on colour, particularly balayage. I taught salon-friendly techniques that I do on a daily basis in the salon. We touched a lot on Goldwell’s Pure Pigments and how to use them in different techniques – many of the salons had these products, but hadn’t had the opportunity to really play and experiment with them. I shared a lot of fast, effective techniques for clients who are short on time, and spoke about the colour journey. I did my best to give them all the knowledge I had that could be helpful in the salon, from social media marketing tips to consulting.”

Thanks to Goldwell and Salome for rocking Namibia with an inspirational seminar.

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To find out more about Goldwell colour and the incredible new Pure Pigments, contact 011 312 5070.

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