In the Latin word luxus is the origin of everything. At first, it meant "opulence", "extravagant life". From luxus comes luxuria (in Spanish, lujuria), which was nothing less than "debauchery and excessive luxury" until the church gave it the sense of "sexual debauchery." But really, what is luxury? There is no single definition. The ideas that surround this concept are innumerable and not subjective at all. The only certainty is that the time has come to stop thinking that luxury can be wrapped in gift paper. Of course not! It is not luxury what we wear, nor what we eat or drink
True luxury begins with being true to ourselves.
It’s the 21st century and luxury is more difficult to achieve than ever because it is about well-being, taking time for ourselves. Luxury is closer to the immaterial, to what money cannot buy: an instant of escape, the kiss of a child, a sound that transports us to paradise, the smile of that special person every morning... With this conception, luxury can be democratic and universal.
LUXUS collection, created with hair and gold leaf in different colors, seeks to emulate the value of the material and make us reflect on this concept so trite, on the one hand, but so personal, on the other, which is luxury. This, like success, resides in each one of us. Living is the greatest luxury and enjoying life is the greatest success we can achieve.
Luxury is not having expensive things, but a way of life with which you appreciate everything you have."
Óscar de la Renta
Hair: Ziortza Zarauza @ziortzazarauza
Hair Instagram: @centrobeta
Photography: David Arnal @davidarnalteam
Retouche: Javier Villalabeitia @javiervillalabeitia
MUA: Clara Carrera @makeupbyclaraa_
Styling: Visori @visorifashionartstudio
Products: Montibello @montibello_peluqueria
Video: Germán de la Hoz @german_delahoz