MHB Education is offering FREE DIGITAL LEARNING SESSIONS. Numbers are limited to 16 per session and booking is essential.
JANE ALVES, Digital Retail Business Consultant for Modern Hair & Beauty, hails from Dublin, Ireland and has lived in South Africa with her family since 2012. Jane has worked abroad and nationally in the hair & beauty industry since 2003 – an industry that compares with no other for her. Jane’s passion is to teach and inspire her clients, from retail sales and product knowledge to business growth. At the core of her teaching are the interpersonal relationships she grows with her clients, from which growth and success in all areas of their businesses flourish. Besides teaching, Jane’s focus is to guide and support her clients on their journey. She takes to heart the MHB vision, “We measure our worth by our clients’ successes.”
The Rise of the Digital Age in Education
Digital learning has grown significantly in the past decade. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated that growth dramatically and changed the education landscape forever. The focus shifted dramatically, and for a time exclusively, to online meetings and digital learning to become a prominent part of our working lives.
Combining the internet with education, gives us the opportunity to develop new skills and reach people all over the country and the world with the simple click of a button. The pandemic has taught us to adapt to unexpected situations and to create new solutions to support and work with one another innovatively and creatively.
The fact is, the Digital Age in education is here to stay and it has become the biggest global platform for education.
Four Benefits of Digital Learning with MHB Education
1. Home, Sweet Home
Whether it’s your off-day at home or a quiet day in the business, with the internet at your disposal you can have a world of knowledge at your fingertips. Customised MHB Education course materials and recordings are available for you to watch in your own time and to learn from at your own pace. You can do so in the safety and comfort of your own space without the stress of outside contact, especially during Covid-19 waves or while at home in quarantine.
2. Keeping up to date
Digital learning with MHB is a quick and easy way to consistently keep up to date with new product launches and new trends or learning new business skills and practices to help your business grow. It is widely accepted that businesses that participate in frequent education see much greater growth than those who do not.
3. High Retention of Information
According to the World Economic Forum, “Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information and take less time.” In these studies, it was found that, with fewer distractions, people relaxed and focused more while at home. Socially shy people who prefer to avoid gatherings or group sessions said they felt more comfortable engaging online. This helped them enjoy the learning process and enabled greater retention of learning.
4. Appealing to different types of learning styles
We all have different learning styles and because everyone is unique and learns differently, digital learning can be adapted to appeal to many different needs. From visual presentations and auditory learning to reading and writing, MHB digital learning sessions can be adapted by the knowledgeable MHB Education team to work specifically for you. MHB Education offers follow-up in-house sessions to help tie it all together.
MHB Education is offering FREE DIGITAL LEARNING SESSIONS. Numbers are limited to 16 per session and booking is essential.
Contact Jane Alves ASAP to book a space. Jane is available for all your digital learning support needs on Mon–Thurs from 08:00–13:00.