The staff at Associated Hair Professionals recently shared a blog post titled An Attitude of Gratitude. Below is their advice on how to develop an attitude of gratitude.
Each day, find at least one thing you’re grateful for. It could be that you just did an amazing updo for one of your favorite clients for her bridal shower, and she’s thrilled with the results. Maybe it’s a kind smile from a stranger on the street, or a sweet good morning kiss from your spouse. If you find you’re feeling uninspired, remember that one thing, or the many things, that are good in your life, and try practicing gratitude.
Here are five ways you can develop an attitude of gratitude:
Appreciate Everything
If you pay attention and start appreciating everything good in your life, you will increase your positive attitude. Being an upbeat, grateful person attracts other people into your life who have a similar mindset.
Everyday Gratitude
Every day, take the time to journal three things that you’re grateful for. If you do this each morning, it sets the mood for your entire day. Even if you’ve had a bad day, ending the day with writing three more things you’re grateful for will make the bad day fade, and allow you to sleep more peacefully.
Surround Yourself with Gratitude-Focused People
Who wants to be around “Debbie Downer”? Negative people will only bring you down. Surround yourself with people who practice gratitude, and watch your gratitude and appreciation grow. The more time you spend in a positive environment, the happier you will be.
Live in the Present
Living in the present can help you reframe what you’re grateful for right now. It can also help focus clearly on the future you want to create. When you live in the present, you can see how far your life has progressed and celebrate your achievements from past accomplishments.
Commit to Practicing Gratitude
To help you appreciate the things that matter to you and gain insight to what you consider important, commit to practicing gratitude daily. It will help you define your purpose and become clear on why certain things and people are valuable to you. You also get to see the positive effect your gratitude has on others.
Gratitude can change your life. An attitude of gratitude also ensures you feel happier, more positive, and more excited. What more could you ask for?
Click on the link to read the full blog post An Attitude of Gratitude | Associated Hair Professionals