This is such a hot topic and there’s so much on our minds in the last year that we are putting together as much information as we can for everyone in the industry, to keep us and our clients safe and get back to normal as soon as possible! Salons and spas are a haven for our clients, a sanctuary away from the hectic trauma of the world. Let’s keep ourselves and our clients as safe as possible.
Top 3 COVID Vaccine Myths | A Doctor Explains
We found a great video by ZDoggMD and would love to share with you. We’re all so worried and he explains it so simply and easily!
Here are three big vaccination myths, explained.
It’s so refreshing how he says it is okay to question or be skeptical, but careful where you look for the answers. This is such a useful link to look at for yourself and send to your friends who are concerned.
We’ve asked some of our top professionals in the industry to share their thoughts with us and each week we’ll be sharing their stories for you to enjoy. If you have a positive experience you’d like to share with us on the vaccine and the differences it’s made in your personal life or your salon and with your clients’ appreciation of their salon experiences, please send to Beth at beth@hairnews.co.za, with a stellar photo you’d like us to use!
Industry Vaccination: Safety, Sustainability and A Return to Normality