For all employers and legal owners including one person businesses or chair rentals, the EOHCB can add incredible value to your business.
Here is a quick explanation of what the organisation is, and how it fits into the industry’s structure: The Employers’ Organisation for Hairdressing, Cosmetology and Beauty (EOHCB) is a constituted and registered Employers’ Organisation as per the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995. It is a non-profit organisation, which promotes the interest of its members by protecting and supporting the needs of Employers and Legal Owners through Collective Bargaining, Labour Relations support and quality industry education and training development and regulation.
The EOHCB is the only employers’ organisation within South Africa who is a party to the National Bargaining Council for Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare Industry and who engages in collective bargaining on behalf of its members the employers and legal owners of the industry. We continuously strive to provide our members with a full range of services and benefits and endeavour to address the needs of our members with integrity, professionalism and sound business practice.
Join today and enjoy the important business and support benefits that are part of your membership – more information on these will be published in the next few days.