Top salon La Diva, Kloof, KZN, has space available to rent and are open to various arrangements. More details below.
If you are no longer able to operate in your existing premises, we hope that one of these gorgeous, upmarket and welcoming locations might be the right place to move your business!

Send CV to Dherisha
076 952 8365
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A Note about the Legalities of Chair Rental
Chair rental is the equivalent of running your own “business within a business” independently within a salon.
Registration and Compliance
It is very important that all chair rentals comply with the correct industry legislation and that they are properly registered and up to date with the basic Bargaining Council fees as stipulated. This ensures that every business operating from the premises is compliant and correctly registered, providing peace of mind for all parties as well as clients! Please contact the Bargaining Council for any assistance in this regard.
Contracts and Agreements
A chair rental agreement is only as good as the contract that governs it! A proper contract will protect all parties and ensure peace of mind and a harmonious working relationship. As part of the EOHCB membership, assistance with contracts is offered – please contact them for more info and assistance.
Rental vs Employment
There are many salons at this time offering two options: chair rental, or to be employed by the salon. If you prefer to work as an employee then please get in touch with the salon and discuss whether this is an option.