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Trend Vision: “Celebrating SA’s best creatives” – TVA Wella SA

Sunday 12 August 2018 marked a momentous occasion for twelve Wella stylists: these Wella Trend Vision finalists graced the stage at Emperor’s Palace, showcasing their colour and creative visions. In attendance were the whose-who of South African hairdressing, the long hair guru - and MC for the night - Patrick Cameron, and guest artists Reto Camichel and salon collective, Scar.

The evening reverberated excitement, creative energy, and anticipation…

TVA 2018 Guest Artists

Sebastian Professional Artist, Reto Camichel, in true artistic form took the stage and presented - not merely another hair show - but performance art. The piece, The Night out of Our Darkness - a reference to Cape Town’s emersion from a severe drought - blended creative vision, hair sculpting, art, and fashion.

Then, took the stage Scar, with brightly coloured, 90’s cuts, and an ultra-cool edge. Their concept, a rejection to blindly following authority, was illuminated by clothing the models in white tracksuits and thereby accentuating only their hair – a further rejection of how fashion, as Verushka Naicker states, “normalises the masses”.

TVA Winners: Creative and Colour Vision

The finalists’ Trend Vision journey finally reached its crescendo, after weeks of preparation, and an afternoon of presenting their vision to the TVA judges. Three stylists in each category placed in either gold, silver, or bronze.

Creative Vision Winners

1. Gold: Tristan Hawkins from Beautiful Blonde Artistry Johannesburg

2. Silver: Rosahda Maart from Excentric Cape Town

3. Bronze: Tracy Knox from Moulin Rouge Hair Studio Johannesburg

Colour Vision Winners

1. Gold: Guy Kleinhaus from Guy’s Chop Shop Stellenbosch

2. Silver: Nikolas Anamourolis from Nikolas Michael Salon Durban

3. Bronze: Charles Louw from hashtag Colour Lounge Cape Town

Business Award Winners

The TVA evening is not only about the competition, but also pays tribute to Wella Professionals salons that excelled during the year. The winners for 2018 by brand were:

Retailer of the year

1. Franco International Sandton City - Nioxin

2. Exclusive Hair - System Professional

3. Stylish @ M - Wella Professionals

4. Salon Zinadri - Kadus Professional

Colour salon of the year

1. Chrisna @ Cutting Lounge - Kadus Professional Colour

2. Hair Romance - Wella Professionals Colour

Creative and Colour Vision Gold Winners: Mentorship Retreat in Lisbon, Portugal

Both Tristan Hawkins (Creative Vision) and Guy Kleinhaus (Colour Vision) will represent South Africa in Lisbon, in November. They will attend mentoring sessions with Wella’s top international artists, of which Patrick Cameron will be one, and share their creative vision with other Wella stylists from across the world.

Patrick Cameron long hair guru and MC for the night

For the past 25 years, Patrick Cameron has changed the way hairdressers look at long hair – he has given them confidence in creating beautiful long hairstyles. His passion for education and his self-proclamation of being a “hairdresser’s hairdresser” has kept him travelling the world and changing the way we do long hair.

His presence as the MC for Trend Vision Awards 2018, conjured both excitement and energy as he kept the show flowing and the audience giggling.

TVA Social

Thank you to all the finalists for bringing your vision to the Wella stage, sharing your journey, and being the rock stars that you are. We can’t wait for next year. Catch the finalists’ interviews and other TVA event and finalist photos on their Facebook and Instagram page.

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