Cruise ships are currently anchored until Covid-19 has passed. They will reopen and start sailing again as soon as they are able to do so safely, which may be in as short a time as a few months! When they do, there will be a huge demand for on-board hairdressers as the London Wellness Academy has recently expanded and added new ships into their portfolio. Cruise ship customers are ready and eager to start sailing again, in a safe environment that complies with the latest scientific research in order to give all guests the experience of a lifetime in a safe and hygienic environment.
With the prolonged closure of the industry, many hairdressers have found themselves in a difficult financial situation – salons are closing and some jobs are uncertain.

There has never been a better time to embark on a cruise ship adventure, making a fresh start, seeing the world and getting paid for it, and arriving home at the end of your contract with a substantial amount of tax-free savings that you can use to rebuild! The London Wellness Academy consultants in South Africa would love to answer any questions you have about a contract at sea, and would love to do a formal interview with you (online if needed!) so that you can be wait-listed for when the ships start sailing again. This is your chance to make a strong comeback financially. On board ship, it is far easier to accumulate savings quickly, as you have no accommodation or transport costs, and the income you receive is tax-free.
If you would like to find out more, sign up now for your confidential interview HERE.Alternatively, email Nadine Brits on nadineb@londonwellnessacademy.com and she will answer any questions you have.

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