Sorry for those who think 2020 is going to solve the challenges of 2019. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way, as we found out in 2000 when so many people thought their debt would be wiped out in the change from 1999 to 2000.
The good news however, there is a solution for every challenge. if we didn't have challenges we wouldn't need solutions and, for people with a positive mental attitude there always will be more solutions than challenges. All solutions are the result of thought and according to the laws of Mind-Power you are what you think and believe and that you attract the things you think about most.
So welcome to 2020 - the year of plenty! If you are not sure what I mean by plenty consider the following:
Hairdressing is a cradle-to-the-grave industry.
There are millions of people out there all motivated by the way they feel about themselves. Positive physical changes result in enormous psychological changes and, in many cases are a major part of their success factor.
80% of buying decisions are based on need satisfaction. In other words people have plenty of problems, needs and desires for which they are looking for solutions. The majority of those people will turn to someone with the expertise to satisfy a need, provide a solution for a problem or to help clients to fulfil their desires.
The power of people.
Current estimation is a world population of 7.8 Billion. That's a lot of haircuts.
Hair has played a role in culture going right back to the cavemen days. Originally as a means of staying warm in a much colder climate, as a means to scaring their enemies when they went into battle and more recently, as a means of determining a person's status or standing. In the last 100 years the role of hair has exploded into a multi-billion dollar industry. Hair is now recognised as a major player in a multi-trillion dollar wellness industry. That's huge!
So there really is no shortage of clients. Some of those are already clients of your salon, others are just waiting for an invitation - word of mouth advertising, referral from an existing client or (and this a big source) attraction to the energy generated by a professional hair and beauty salon. This energy works towards gaining you a professional image as well as a reputation for expertise.
And we have plenty to offer:
Style changes, make-overs, expert solutions to almost any problem, need or desire, education regarding the trauma that hair is exposed to on a daily basis, to name just a few.
Finally, our industry is supported by product suppliers that spend millions of dollars every year giving us products and solutions with cutting edge technology.
And it is because of this abundance of opportunities that I see 2020 as the year of PLENTY.
My Salon Software offers business solutions for salons large and small. Get in touch to benefit from our expertise and help your business to run smarter and work harder for you.
Website: www.mysalonsoftware.co.za
Aletta Email: aletta@mysalonsoftware.co.za | Tel: 064504 6001
Terry Email: terry@mysalonsoftware.co.za | Tel: 083 650 0952